
krangpower mantains two different logs that can be useful for debugging purposes. The log files are rolled over every time the enhancer submodule is loaded, and a number of historical version is mantained, up to a total configurable in the configuration file.

By default, in Windows, they can be found under:


For Linux, they are created under:


Log level

In order to utilize the logs, it is of uttermost importance to correctly set the module-wide log level. The level has to be set with a dedicated function exposed at the module level:


The default/starting value of the logging level, when using krangpower out of the box, is set at logging.WARNING (equivalent to a numerical value of 30).


The commands.log and krangpower.log files are only written if the log level is <= logging.DEBUG (10).


The log files are quite verbose and writing them often causes an appreciable execution time overhead, so they should be left unactive if not needed.


A log level between logging.DEBUG and logging.INFO (10 < log level <= 20) does not write the logs, but displays a bit more information on the console at runtime, notably progress bars for the computation/execution of properties/function such as krang.graph, etc.


This file contains every command passed to the underlying OpenDSS textual interface, complete with a timestamp and the result returned by OpenDSS. The log is mantained directly by the krangpower.enhancer submodule.


This file logs various activity aspect of the Krang components and PackedOpendssElements. In particular, you can find here every call to the OpenDSSDirect.py attributes and reports on the choices made by the components’ _setparameter method.


The location of the logs, and the starting value of the log level, can be customized in the configuration file. They can be found under:

./config/krang_config.cfg --> misc settings --> default_logging_level
./config/krang_config.cfg --> log settings --> *